miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008
Last Entry
Well, this is my last entry on this blog, actually my last required entry, I could continue to do it but I'm still thinking about it.
I hope you have enjoyed this blog as much as I, sometimes, enjoyed writing in it. You took a good look at me and my thoughts and feelings. You catched a little glimpse of what's in my heart and my outlook on life.
This will be short. I have to get a piece of my birthday cake haha.
I will truly appreciate some feedback through here or to my e-mail, leave a comment and I'll reply.
Take care,
Perla Mtz. P.
It's my birthday!
I plan to go out to eat with my mom and then go to the movies with my best friend :D It's going to be cool to see my friends at school also.
I'm so happy, it's my birthday :D
we're going to party like it's your birthday"
~ In Da Club (50 cent)
martes, 22 de abril de 2008
The Magical Instant
Feel sorry for the one that is afraid to take risks. Because he won't face disappointments, or hard times, nor will he suffer like the ones that follow their dreams. But when he looks back - because we always look back - he will hear his heart saying: "What did you do with the miracles that were planted in your life? What did you do with the gifts you were given? You buried them deep down because you were afraid to lose them. Then, that's you inheritance: the certainty that you have wasted your life away".
Feel sorry for the one that hears these words. Because he, then, will believe in miracles, but the magical instants in his life are going to be long gone."
I know that this book helped a lot to understand and overcome a certain situation that I have already talked about way toooo much, so you probably get the idea already.
martes, 15 de abril de 2008
We come and go... like the wind
lunes, 14 de abril de 2008
I'm really proud of this
Every year, there are more than 4 million pregnancies in Mexico and almost 40 % of these are unwanted. Aproximately 17% of those end up in abortion. The woman's right to abort has been one of the most controversial matters of the past 50 years. Until 1980-81 they tried to pass a law where abortion, under any circumstance, was allowed whithin the first quarter of the pregnancy, but a great number of people felt that this was a mistake and it didn't go any further. Many people think abortion is wrong. Many people try to push their beliefs into others. This goes out to everyone, but especially young adults like myself who think that this is none of their business, you're wrong. Many of you are already old enough to vote, to make your own decisions. This important, no matter how old are you.
I'm not saying that those who are pro-life or anti-abortion are wrong, I understand where you come from. But, after a lot of research and debate, I can't understand how can someone allow a law to take control of their body. Many times, people who are against abortion will say that if you're going to have sexual relationships you should take care of yourself first and that anyone who already had an abortion should have done the same. Did you know that, statistically speaking, many of the abortions are practiced on woman who were using some kind of birth control? These methods are not 100% effective. Even those like the DIU have a fringe of about 2%, the patch has one around 1% and the pills around 1% to 5%. Not even sterilization is completely effective.
Flip the other side of the coin.
domingo, 13 de abril de 2008
A few days ago I got into this entire controversy over gay marriage, and what angers me isn't so much the justification of opinions by using what God supposedly thinks is right from wrong, it isn't so much the intolerance towards gay people that many people exhibit, and it isn't so much that people aren't open to other lifestyles. *cough21centurycough*
Let's take a look at our country for an instance. We have a long way to go before they can finally rule that gay and lesbian people have the same rights as everyone else, including the right to marriage... I know that they made it "legal" in Mexico City, but what irritates me the most is that the word they refer to that ceremony is still pending and they will possibly leave it as it is forever. They're never going to decide if "marriage" can be included onto the right that courts have finally granted them.
What irritates me the most is that people make such a fuss over ONE word.
Imagine if in 1953, women finally received the deserved right to vote, but men didn't like the idea of calling it "voting" and decided instead to call it a "formal notification of interests."
Imagine if when Germany issued its formal apology to the world and the Jewish community for the atrocities committed during the Holocaust, that they didn't want to call it "apology" and decided instead to say "oh, it was PMS."
So, do imagine the ridiculousness, the idiocy, the small-minded attitude it takes to finally grant the gay community their right to marriage, but to dislike the idea of calling it "marriage" that it's decided to instead call it a "civil union".
Words mean a lot to all of us, especially when one group of us had it before some other group decided to make it their own, too. Marriage is not the sacred word it's made out to be, and allowing the word's meaning to be used by others does not mean, that a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman will suddenly bring out the ravaging atrocities or morals down.There are deeper things to take a look at here, and it most certainly is not because of one eight-lettered word. I would call it "resentment or fear of change and devolpment" but someone people might dislike the idea of it and decide instead to call it "tradition."
Pet peeve... ugh.
Listening to people chew and smack on their food.
No matter who it is, it is the most vile, revolting, freakishly nasty sound imaginable. Especially when I have to look at your face full of shiny, moist, half-chewed up food as it squishes and sloshes around in your mouth. It makes my ears twitch and cringe, and I literally want to rip them off and shove them in the holes so I don't have to hear the sound for another second.
People, please stop, it's so...disgusting.
I'm mean, yeah.
Just like a tattoo...
Sorry but I have to move on and leave you behind.

The symbol is the japanese kanji for "life", the flowers are cherry blossoms.
The tattoo stands for the japanese philosphy of the cherry trees blooming.
That's my view on life, the petals falling stand for the hardships we encounter and even if we sometimes hit bottom and feel like we can't go on, we have to understand that nothing is permanent; pain is inevitable, suffering isn't, and instead of sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves, we should enjoy life, live each day like it's the last one, don't regret anything.
That's how I see it, too. That's the reason behind the tattoo.
"[...]You’re still a part of everything I do
You’re on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
l always have you."
~ Tattoo - Jordin Sparks
Almost 21
And even if it's just 21, I feel like, since I turned 15, that the years have gone by so fast. I mean, I know, I'm only in my early twenties I have a lot to live yet, but still, being 15 is not like being 21, y'know?
I've come to certain conclussions about being 20-something. Here they are:
- Our group of friends is becoming gradually smaller.
- We tend to see each other less because of the different and busy schedules: work, school, etc...
- We start to enjoy small, quiet get-togethers, like dinners, a bar or the coffee shop. Crowds are not "as fun" as they used to be and we even tend to feel uncomfortable.
- We can see who our real friends are and those that have never been.
- We laugh harder, but cry with less tears and with more pain. We get broken hearts and wonder how that person that we loved so much could've hurt us so bad.
- Or maybe we lay awake at night thinking why can't we meet someone that's interesting enough to get us hooked.
- At times, it seems like everyone we know has been together for years and even some of them are starting to get married.
- Dating and one-night stands are becoming boring and getting drunk and act like an idiot seems a lot more stupid.
- Going out three times a weekend sounds exhausting and it means a lot to our small budget.
- We ponder about our jobs and it may not even be close to what we thought we'd be doing. Or we may be looking for a job and we know we have to start from scratch and that might seem scary at first.
- We look at what everyone else is doing and we start judging a little more than we used to.
- Sometimes we might feel great and invincible, others... alone, scared and confused.
- We try to understand ourseleves, about what we want or don't want. Our opinions become stronger.
- There are times when we try to cling on to the past, but we realize that the past if just further and further away and we have no option but to move forward.
- We worry about the future, loans and money and to make a life of our own.
Like I told you, it seems like just yesterday that we were 15... does that mean that tomorrow we'll be 30? Just like that?!
Life is not measured by the times we breath, but by the moments that leave us breathless.
sábado, 12 de abril de 2008
OMG!!1... I have so much...
You may probably be wondering what that last entry was about, well... I just went through a reaaaally bad break-up in an on-and-off four years relationship, but hey! everything's cool now, everything's moving on, just like it should. Life goes forward, not backward and I have to learn how to ... be a man! haha and keep it strong.
Oh God! I have no idea what to talk about, I guess it'll flow on its own, right?... right? haha.
It's 8:09 AM and I have to start getting ready to go to work... bummer! I wish I could sleep in on Saturdays, y'know? Mostly because I'm always staying up late on Friday. I'm so sleepy -_-
How do I do this? How do I pull out of my sleeve like almost 10 entries so I won't have to do 16 SAC hours?
I should've been less of a procrastinator. Now I HAVE to work magic to finish it all.
This was a wasted entry, I never found something to talk about today, I'm not in the mood and yes! even if I have like 18218328372 million entries to do, I have to be in the right mood to write something in here.
and no... I don't copy/paste entries from other places and if I do, I also add my own comments to makes this as original as I can, and my English is a good English, good enough to make a coherent post, and bah! Yes, I'm probably being cocky about it.
omg.. I'm ranting.. haha, this is so much fun.
I'm tired of being ignored in most of my classes because I already know English and should give the others the opportunity to participate, pleeeeease... if you haven't learned English in these past 3 years that we've been there, what makes you think that one more year is going to make the difference.
Try to have a coherent and fluid conversation and then you can come and tell me that I'm arrogant. That's what people would tell me when I was learning English and believe me, it worked.
Don't be so self-conscious, it'll never take you anywhere.
and no... I'm not making fun of you nor your English everytime I laugh.
Get over it already!
Perla Mtz.
domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008
To you...
viernes, 14 de marzo de 2008
Something to think about...
An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.
For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been
made to do.
After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."
The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?"
"That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them."
"For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house."
Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them. So, to all of my crackpot friends, remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path!
Moments in life
You can spend a lot of time of your present "moving around" the why's, rewinding the cassette, trying to understand how something happened. The worn out is going to last forever because in life, you, I, your friends, your children, your siblings, your parents, everyone is meant to close chapters. To turn the page. We can't live in the present longing for the past. Not even asking us why...whatever happened, happened.
And we have to let go. We can't be kids forever, nor late teenagers, nor employees of a non-existent company, we can't have bonds with those who don't want to be bonded to us. No, things happen and we have to let go!
Thats why sometimes it's important to break pictures, burn letters, destroy memories, give away presents, move to another house. The external changes can simbolize an internal healing process. Release, detach, let go.
Life goes forward, not backwards. Because if you go around life leaving doors open "just in case", you'll never be able to let go, nor to live today with joy. Relationships or friendships that don't close, posibilities to "go back" (to what?), do you need to talk something over? words that weren't said, silences that took over. If you can face those right now, do it! And if you can't, well then let them go, close those chapters. Tell yourself that no, you can't go back. But not because you're prideful or haughty but because you don't fit in there anymore, in that place, in that heart, in that room, in that house, in that desk, in that office, you're not the same one who left two days ago, three months ago, a year ago, thus there's nothing to go back to.
Shut that door, turn the page, close the circle. You won't be the same nor the enviroment to which you want to go back to will be the same because nothing in life stays still, nothing is static. It's for mental health, love for yourself, to be able to let go of the things are no longer a part of your life. Remember that no one is indispensable. Not a person, nor a place, nor a job, nothing is vital because when you came into this world, you came without that "glue". And you get used to live attached to that "glue" and it's a personal journey to learn to live without it, without the human glue that it hurts to let go of today. It's a process of learning how to release something or something and you can do it, because as I said before, nothing nor no one is indispensable.
There are so many words that represent mental health and whichever you pick, it'll definately help you to move on forward with a kind of inner peace.
That's life!
miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2008
The country that had it all.. but a name.
Dallas, Texas - "Once upon a time, there was a far away country that had it all, but a name..."
That's how the story about the United States would begin, a country that, according to a mexican writer, could do it all but come up with an original and unique name.
Well, you can look at it from different perspectives.
Because, for example, if you ask a United States citizen, theres' no turning back. The name of their country is America, period. Or United States, or U.S. But more commonly, America.
That's why, them, the gringos, are "Americans".
What about the people from Mexico? From Canada? Cuba? Brazil? They're "Mexicans", they'd say. Or Canadians, Cubans and Brazilians. Not Americans.
But, instead, if you ask us, the mexicans or a brazilian, things change. They are NOT America, we'll say. Yes, they're a country OF America, but not the WHOLE continent. And we immediately criticize the "wrong" use of the word they give to "American". (OUR word)
[...]First, ¿how is the gentilic of a country determined? As a rule, we use the OFFICIAL name of the country.
That's why, for example, the citizens of the Estados Unidos MEXICANOS are called MEXICANOS. The citizens of the República Federativa de BRASIL are calles Brasileños[...]
Following this simple rule, let me ask you a question. Absurd, if you like, but valid:
What is the ONLY COUNTRY in the world that has the word AMERICA in their name?
[...]Did you guess already? Yes, that's correct. It's THAT country. United States of AMERICA.
Just clarifying: We're not defending anyone, we're not supporting them, nor attacking Mexico nor our own "americanism." We're stating a FACT. That's the way it is, whether we like it or not.
We didn't make it up[...]Anyone can prove it checking books or the internet.
The fact is: No other country has the word America in their official name, in all their documents, in all their decrees. Except the United States.
Then, if the citizens of the Estados Unidos Mexicanos are called "mexicans"(not estadounidenses, not estadouidensesmexicanos, just mexicans using the last word of the country's official name), it's only fair that we call the citizens of the United States of America "americans" isn't it?
[...]I know there are different opinions here. I know that we, latinamericans, consider it offensive that the gringos call themselves "America", or "americans" and take our "americanism" away from us.
How did this atrocity happen? Pure tradition. Costum.
For starters, we give countries their name. So, they're imperfect. They're not exact science.
[...]Why did the gringos dare to encroach upon the name of America and make it theirs? Well, no one prohibited them. In fact, naming any country of this continent "America" is a natural thing. Anyone could've come up with it.
20 things about me!
2. I do things on instinct.
3. If you have my love, you have me all.
4. Mess with me and you'll see a lot of me.
5. I'm addicted to coffee, compliments, cigarettes and love.
6. I'm a lover, I'm a fighter and I fight for what I love.
7. I'm always falling down, I'm always standing back up.
8. I'm blunt, whether you like it or not.
9. I like to amuse myself when I'm bored.
10. I believe in Karma, afternoon delight, breakfast in bed, and doing what you want simply because you can.
11. I believe in true love. Yeah, I still believe...
12. I HATE being interrupted.
13. I generally don't get mad, but if I do... watch out.
14. You're not the first person to talk about me, nor the last one, I can deal with that.
15. I love fashion but I have no fashion sense of my own.
16. I'm a major "girly-girl" but I hide it. ;D
17. I enjoy finding the good in people.
18. Sometimes I wish I was 30 with a career and family already.
19. I love to read and to indulge myself in any cultural activity.
20. I have the best friends whom I adore.
miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008
Class Composition
The first thing I did was to contact a friend that lives in Indiana and have him ask in his University if they have language or education master's. He called me a few days later telling me that they have both of them. I was thrilled!
Now, I had to start thinking about financial aid for school. I found a really good site online called International Scholarship Awards, they have a large directory of institutions that provide aid for students that want to move to another country and continue their education there.
Another thing I began to consider was having a place to live. I could take in a host program, that is living with a family that would take me in while I study or I could move in with my friend and share expenses, for that I would have to get a job and talk to him about it, yet I know that he'd be delighted with the idea of seeing each other again.
I feel very optimistic about my future now, well, you could say I feel more secure about what I'm going to do. It's something I have set my mind to do, so as an starter I have to save money. I still have a year left so it'll probably turn out for the best. I'm hoping it will!
viernes, 22 de febrero de 2008
We talked about it yesterday in class, we mention composers, some of their pieces and the oh-so-many benfits of classical music and it inspired to write here and tell you my favorite pieces by some of the greatest composers of all times and provide you with some links for you to listen to the songs.
Cavalleria Rusticana- Intermezzo - opera in one act written by Pietro Mascagni in 1890. You have to listen to it conducted by Herbert von Karajan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDVFaheqQAg
Moonlight Sonata - Ludwig van Beethoven, master piece written after a love rejection, written somewhere between 1803-1814. The beginning is incredibly sad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQVeaIHWWck
El Barbero de Sevilla - Powerful composition. Opera buffa written in two acts by Gioachino Rossini, this opera follows the first of the plays from the Figaro Triology written by French playwriter Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais. The second part of the triology was written by Mozart 30 years earlier: Le nozze de Figaro.
Requiem - Giuseppe Verdi, he was noted for his combination of vigorous rhythms and dramatic contrast. The opera for this, include "Libera me" written by Gioachino Rossini. It was all played at Alessandro Mazoni's funeral.
miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008
Have you ever heard of DINK couples?
Some time ago, I read an article in a magazine about the new trends for couples nowadays, the DINK couples who are medium to high-earning couples who have decided not to have kids and focus more on their relationship and the opposite of the DINK couples (can't remember the name right now) where, usually, the mother leaves a high-paying career behind to just focus on having kids and take care of them.
It's easier for us to understand a woman that leaves a successful career behind to be a housewife, but it's hard to understand a DINK couple without feeling the urge to call them "selfish" or "not mature enough" because after all, having a kid means taking care of another human being for I don't know how many years, which is a great deal of responsibility.
This acronym (DINK = Double Income No Kids) it's an expression that applies to millions of people especially in North America, China and Europe and it's slowly moving towards other nations. For these couples many of the traditional ideas are obsolete like a: "conventional" family standard, or getting married, buy a house, buy a car and add kids to that.
So, instead of staying up late at night over crying babies, picking up kids from school, etc... This couples are doing other things together as a couple like traveling more, have more time for entertainment, money, who knows, the reasons for this choice are as as wide and diverse as the couples who follow this trend.
This trend started somewhere around the late 80's and it was considered like an scandal and the couples would have to go through all the pressure from family, friends and just society in general. They might even feel like they don't fit in and misunderstood. One of the biggest misconceptions is that DINK couples are selfish. Many people can't seem to understand why a woman doesn't have the biological urge to have children or why a man doesn't rush into carrying out the family name and we can throw in a bunch of other misconceptions.
Despite all of that, people are ignoring society "traditions" and pressure and are going for the childless option and it's growing, according to the American Demographic Magazine, the number of married couples without kids will rise by 50%, that ismore than 31 million, in 2010 in North America.
Anyway, it's a matter of choice and what does "happily ever after" means to you family wise.
domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008
- A New York Times Editor's Choice
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For more info on the Twilight saga, movie and other projects, visit: www.stepheniemeyer.com
martes, 12 de febrero de 2008
Reading on the top!
Read All About It
Valentine's Day is around the corner!
Picture time!
First, we've got Galena Park High School in Houston, Tx. (crappy high school, crappy town, nice people... some of them at least.)
Then, we have Matawan Regional High School (nice high school, nice-too small-town, nice people, weird accent.)
Home of the Huskies!
This was by far the smallest town I've ever lived in, yet it was an amazing experience, mostly because I lived by myself and got to live it all. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.Da da! You saw a little bit through my eyes ;D
Last week's holiday.
I had to go out of town for a family emergency and I actually missed one day of school and a test, not so good, is it?
Now, I'm just looking forward to spring break, I'm probably going out of town to Guanajuato (Dolores, San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato -capital-) I'm quite excited about it, I've only been in like 2 or 3 states here in Mexico and the last time I went somewhere here was like... 2 or 3 years ago, I dunno!
I want to go back to Tijuana, I was actually born there and then I move to Tampico when I was about 6 or so, but I still keep some images and memories in my mind of what it was like when I lived there, but I guess that trip will just have to be put on hold for a while.
That reminds me that I have to go to Acapulco, during the summer, to visit my dad, but if I'm given the choice I'd rather go back to Las Vegas, after all I'm already going to be 21 (yay! gambling! haha not really) I went there last summer, it's such a hectic/one-of-a-kind city and of course! there's New York again, some family members invited me to go with them around these days but I had to say no because of school. It's going to be 4 years since the last time that I was there and I still love it! it's such a multi-cultural, multi-facetic city. If you ever have the chance to go, do it! you're not going to regret it, mark my words on that.
Closing up, *sigh* seems like spring break is so far away.
Even later...
What do I think about watching TV? Uhmmmm... tough one!
I like watching TV, I enjoy some shows I'm not going to say that I don't but truth is I'd rather read a good book than sit in front of the TV. I'm not going to put myself as an example of what people should do, if you don't like reading and enjoy sitting in front of the TV for hours non-stop that's great! go for it! yet we can't ignore the fact that if it's not for the news or some cultural/educational show then there's nothing to it, y'know what I mean?
If you watch TV and you do it a lot, take a break, step back, look at what you're doing and ask yourself if the shows you're watching 24/7 bring you some sort of extra-cultural-knowledge that is probably going to be helpful in the future.
And if, just in case, you don't want to stop watching you're regular shows, try to include an educational one once in a while, it won't hurt you a bit, I promise!
P.S. Read a good book, too. It increases your vocabulary a loooot.
lunes, 28 de enero de 2008
Sooo late with the assignments!
Wear the latest fashion!
No one said you had to be filthy rich to do it! If you know how to match and contrast colors, you're set. Yes, being comfortable is important, yet some people dress sloppy beause they feel that's comfortable.
Have a little imagination, wear clothes that actually fit you, be careful with colors and you'll find ways to be trendy, comfortable and without spending thousands and thousands of pesos.
For me, it's all about knowing what kind of clothes fit the best for my body shape, what's in, what's out, and always thinking about my budget.
Don't forget that you can be trendy and money-wise at the same time, that'll prevent you from looking sloppy or tacky.
lunes, 21 de enero de 2008
First one...yay!
I wanted the pink one but then I realized it's overrated and that many people probably chose it already, so yeah, let's be original!
[5 minute break]
see... I lurked around some blogs and all I saw was pink. Okay! I have to get over that now. haha.
[half an hour break... eating pancakes yummy huh?]
Back, anyway....my blog isn't going to be just about the things I do on a daily basis, in fact, it probably isn't going to be about that at all. I'm going to try to write about the things that interest me, that I like, that concern me, that are of importance.
So... my next post is going to be about Postsecret and how, that art project, has captivated me.
Until then... enjoy!