-on the immigration debate and the wall on the border-
It is known that the plans that the US goverment is trying to put into action are as ridiculous as the wall they're building on the border and as good as giving out legal permits for temporary workers and for people that have been living there for years, nonetheless, the only viable solution can be that one where the two goverments reach a mutual agreement: How fast can we get to that point? or can we get there at all.
We can't deny that the living condition in our country is terrible, but the reality is that no one does anything about it. Instead, our goverment ignores it and allows more and people the illegal entrance to the neighboring country, harming those who are already established there.
It is a fact that we can't dissemble the actions our country has been taking nor those of the people who cross illegally, and mark the word, illegally. In this case, the end does not justify the means and they keep violating the US' federal laws. It's true that they need a new law or a reform (or several of them) regarding their immigration system, but that doesn't mean that it is allowed to ignore another nation's authority over their lands. The US goverment is not charity, they don't have to allow the illegal entrance to their country and it is not their fault that our goverment offers such bad living conditions.
It's easy to believe that the neighboring country is evil and racist for not wanting to give our fellow mexicans a chance for "a better life for them and their families" but in most cases is not only the 'gringos' the ones against that but also those illegal immigrants that have been settled over there for the longest and that are waiting to become American citizens, but when you allow the illegal crossing and you give them almost the same rights as those that are waiting to become citizens, you're sending the message of "waiting for the permanent residency is a waste of time and money because you can live almost the same being illegal."
We all know that when you repeat a lie for a long period of time, it ends up looking like the truth. That's what happens with the idea of "illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans wouldn't" that's ridiculous. The problem lies in the fact that American workers have rights (just like we do here) you know minimum wage and certain benefits. This turns out into something really close to slavery for the illegal workers and poverty and unemployment for the American citizens.
I know that this article might seem like I take sides with the "gringos" and I "don't understand" that at the end of it all, we can't take the blame for our goverment's lack of actions, either. But I've flipped the coin and lived on the other side and let me tell you that it's not fair for anyone, because it's easy to point a finger and misjudge. Try to take the stand of the neighboring country, I'm sure that none of us would like illegal immigrants to come here, causing poverty and unemployment, just so we could pay the broken dishes of another nation who ignores its people.
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